Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Cost of Things: a Response

This was originally a post on a local yahoo group, I am re-posting it here because I think it may answer some questions that folks have concerning the $25 ticket price for our events.

--- In *****, *****wrote:
$25 is way, waaaay, too much cost for a weeknight lecture - which really should really be a "social" with a cost of $10 max, and attendees bringing some treats to share beforehand.

Hi *****,

I do understand your frustration since we decided this morning that we are not going to be able to go due to the price for two, but I think you were are being a little harsh. ReverseTensionz has been sponsoring some really great events lately, and some of them are free, so I think they try to have something for everybody. Unfortunately it takes $$ to bring in someone from out of town and find a good location and sometimes- as in this case schedules conflict or things change and you have to adapt. I am sure RT and Lee Harrington will do everything they can to make it a great class, and I hope they continue to try to host a variety of events.

love & hugz to you,

Hey guys,

Thanks *** for the kind support. Yes we are indeed trying to provide a range of events.

This turned into a wall of text, apologies in advance.


Focus Groups Parties and Socials

The Rope Focus Group will be meeting monthly. The next time we will be getting together is on Sunday August 8th at 4 p.m. This get together is by donation. I put up a donation bag in a semi private spot and attendees can donate from $1-$20, whatever they can afford.

This focus group is a low key chance for people to practice, learn, and share in a peer to peer setting. I will also be using this group as a way to prep folks for upcoming classes that are more advanced.

I have to say the last Focus Group was fantastic and raised a good $84 collectively. That money was donated to the museum, and they were stoked at how generous the group was.

The Social and Potluck is a larger version of the monthly Focus group.
For the Social I usually try to provide a class in addition to the gathering and potluck. The class is in no way mandatory to attend the Social and is just a bonus round for those that choose to attend. The cost of the class will depend on if I am teaching or Reverse Tensionz is featuring a speaker.

The next Rope Social & Potluck has tentatively been set to be on Sunday Sept 12th at The Power Exchange. This event has an entry fee of $10 which will cover entry to the venue, and includes your evening at the Power Exchange should you decide to stay. I am still working out the details with the folks at the PE, more information will be forthcoming.

Food and treats are always welcome at any events. :-)

About Classes:
Way back in the day (a couple of years ago or so) when I first started to study Shibari Art I would take my vacation time and travel to attend the classes I wanted.

I went to San Francisco, Chicago, and even Montreal once for a Midori Rope Dojo.

SinCity D/s, TNG, MAST, LUC, and many other Vegas groups do a fantastic job of highlighting local educators, and bringing in teachers from nearby communities. Many of these classes and events are held in private homes. This is awesome, and is working wonderfully and I totally support their efforts.

Heck, it was Vixen that convinced me to start up my own group and teach about rope bondage. Reverse Tensionz is a direct outgrowth of SinCity D/s and Las Vegas TNG and I will work hard to maintain those ties.

Anyhoo, as I attended these classes and events I began thinking that since I was coming into contact with educators on the international circuit I might have the unique opportunity to fill a gap I perceived in the Vegas area. I could bring these speakers to Las Vegas for my friends to enjoy.

The Costs
Because these Speakers are using their skills to put food on their plates and pay their mortgages there is some overhead involved. In my humble opinion these people are providing a service and therefore deserve to be paid for their time.

The ticket sales break down like this:
$10 is the negotiated price of entry into a venue, The Power Exchange for example. This usually covers entry into the venue for the evening in addition to the class.

$10 goes to the speaker, often times there is a minimum requirement which comes out of my personal pocket if the class tanks.

$5 goes to Reverse Tensionz and is used to cover expenses like class supplies, transportation to and from Vegas, and class supplies.

Thus $25 for a ticket.

As far as what the people in Las Vegas will pay for, I have found that class attendance will be in the range of 18 to 25 people at a cost range of $15 to $30 per ticket.

I chose $25 because it is the lowest cost I can offer and still have the best chance of the event breaking even, with the possibility of raising the start up money needed for the next event.

My most successful classes were a sell out at $30. The biggest attendance I have seen for a local rope bondage class was Twisted Monk at the EHM (not my event), and tickets for that were $50.

I do not expect everyone to attend every event, and I am not trying to compete with other groups.

I would like people to pick what they are interested in, further their education, have the chance to try something new, and meet some of the authors and educators they wouldn't otherwise get to see.

My hope is to provide a wide range of topics, and I tend to choose speakers that can teach on more topics than simply rope bondage.

I also hope to help grow our numbers by attracting new members with well known educators like Lee Harrington, Midori, and Boss Bondage.

There are people in Las Vegas who know of these educators and want to interact with other locals but have no clue there is actually a scene in their hometown.

I was once one of those people. I am choosing to help change this and leave a big kinky dent in Las Vegas.

I hope this helps explain my choices.

Thanks again for all the support and I hope to see y'all out at a few classes.

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